
“There’s a crack in everything…that’s how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen

My Story

My journey began 3,217 miles away in Belfast, Northern Ireland, during the Troubles, the war of the 1970s. My parents bravely left everything they knew behind to pursue a life of peace and opportunity for their family in the United States.

I have noticed the barriers to an individual’s (and their family’s) emotional, social, and cultural experiences while going through complex life events. These barriers contributed poorly to their mental health. After years of starting a family and raising children with a bleeding disorder, I was determined to embark on a path of being part of the solution to the problem. My emphasis on whole-person wellness provides a holistic treatment to your psychological well-being. Therefore, I inherently invest in the best outcome for my clients.

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). My desire to help others has pushed me to serve my community for over thirty years. I was inducted into the New Jersey Women’s Hall of Fame in 2017 for my contributions to social services and volunteerism. I have made over 400 visits to the United States Senate, House of Representatives, and legislative offices advocating on behalf of patients for much-needed change. I have a passion for education issues, brain health, Men’s, Women’s, and LGTBQIA+ health, and I have worked on several nonprofit boards.

The miles in my journey represent more than just distance. These miles represent the dedication I have given, and continue to give, to my clients, community, friends, and family.

In my personal life I  am a daughter, wife, mother to adult children, grandmother and dog mom to Charlie, a golden retriever.  I enjoy interior design, the outdoors, cooking, biographies, music, volunteering, traveling near or far. I am a lifelong learner. 

*What Is A Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)?

LCSW is the terminal license for clinical social workers. Licensed clinical social workers provide clinical assessments, treatment, and interventions. LCSWs frequently maintain a private practice where they diagnose mental health disorders and provide psychotherapy.


A Medicine Woman’s Prayer

I will Not rescue you,

For you are not powerless.

I will not fix you,

 For you are not broken.

I will not heal you,

For I see you in wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness,

as you remember your light.


  • Rutgers University
  • Master of Social Work, Clinical Social Work
  • MSW Certificate in Aging and Health
  • Bachelor’s of Arts in Social Work


  • Columbia University School of Social Work Complicated Grief Therapist, Level I & II Training- Center for Complicated Grief
  • California State University Shiley Institute for Palliative Care, Post Master Certificate in Palliative Care
  • Selected as an HRSA Fellow, Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care
  • Completed one-year Post~Graduate Training in Fertility Counseling with Sharon Covington, MSW, LCSW-C, and Linda Applegarth, EdD (2021)
  •  Suicide Bereavement Clinician Training Program-American Foundation Suicide Prevention ( AFSP) ( 2022)
  • National Certificate in Tobacco Treatment Practice, NCTTP
  • Credential ID Tobacco Dependence Program, ATTUD Accredited
  • Advance Care Planning Certified Facilitator, Respecting Choices
  • National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine, Training in Polyvagal Theory Can Revolutionize your Work with Trauma Survivors, Frontiers in the Treatment of Trauma
  • Cape Cod Institute Frontiers in Trauma Training with Bessel van der Kolk, M.D. completed August 2021
  • National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine, Polyvagal Theory Can Revolutionize your Work with Trauma Survivors
  • Professional training completed: I am Certified in Thanatology -CT (Death Dying and Bereavement) through the Association for Death Education and Counseling.
  • National Catholic Ministry to the Bereaved, NCMB
  • National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine- in the Treatment of Trauma
  • Harvard Medical School- Practical Aspects of Palliative Care: Integrating Palliative Care into Clinical Practice
  • Disaster Response Crisis Counselor 2015
  • Seminar In-Field Education, SIFI (2019) Rutgers University-New Brunswick
  • Certification in Bereavement Trauma with the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress- recognized by the National Center for Crisis Management 
  • Working with Bereaved Families: Findings from the Harvard Child Bereavement Study – Dr. William Worden ( 2022)
  • Addressing the Unique Needs of Children Facing Loss and Grief ( 2022) -Association for Death Education and Counseling  
  • Perinatal Mood Disorders: Components of Care – Postpartum Support International (PSI) ( 2023)
  • Advanced Perinatal Mental Health Psychotherapy Training –Postpartum Support International (PSI) (2023) Perinatal Mental Health PMH-C certification 
  • The Grieving Brain:The Surprising Science of How We Learn from Love and Loss (2024)- Mary-Frances O’Connor, PhD ( author of the Grieving Brain) Cape Cod Institute 
  • Suicide & Unfinished Business (2024) Portland Institute For Loss and Transition Robert Neimeyer, PhD
  • Grief Therapy as Meaning Reconstruction ( GTMR) Ongoing (2024)-Robert Neimeyer, PhD  Portland Institute For Loss and Transition ( ongoing to certification)
  • Traumatic Stress Studies Certificate Program -Traumatic Stress Foundation (2025)

Memberships include:

I work closely with clients and their providers on a daily basis constantly seeking opportunities to integrate compassion, empathy, and brain health into my practice.

Located in the heart of downtown Lititz

Our offices are centrally located in Lititz, PA, recently coined the “Coolest Small Town in America.”

Find us at 6 S. Broad Street
Suite 2
Lititz PA 17543

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule a conversation.

I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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